We are supported by a number of businesses, religious organizations,
and agencies in Portland, Maine.
Our thanks goes out to them all.
Wayside Food Rescue coordinates with the statewide TEFAP food distribution to provide us with needed food for the pantry throughout the year. As well we take advantage of their food rescue mostly from Hannafords stores in the area to supplement our offerings
Mainers Feeding Mainers provides an annual grant through Good Shepherd for fresh farm produce from Jordan Farms in Cape Elizabeth.
Churches and Synagogues contribute food and money.
Some of Bet Ha'am contributions Rosh Hashanah 2010
Some of Allen Avenue's 83 cloth bags of food donated Earth Month, 2011Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church
Clark Memorial United Methodist Church
Congregation Bet Ha'am, South Portland
Jewish Family Services
St. Ansgar Evangelical Lutheran Church
St. Joseph Parish Catholic Church
St. Peter's Episcopal Church
Stevens Avenue Congregational Church UCC
Trinity Episcopal Church
Woodfords UCC Church - A special thanks to Woodfords for housing the pantry.
Portland Food Coop for contributing through their "round-it-up" promotion.
Hannafords and their customers for the Fight Hunger Bag Program's generous donation.
FortuneBuilders, based in San Diego, CA at their annual conference in Portland contributes many grocery items to the pantry. Their organization is a philantropic one, helping those in need.
Big Sky Bakery for donated breads.
Androscoggin Bank for support each year -- food, money and people.
Bangor Savings Bank for their generous contribution.
Town and Country Credit Union for their annual generous contribution
Altrusa for their annual contribution of over $1000 via their annual Empty Bowl event
The Annual Thanksgiving Day 4- Miler & Kid’s K sponsored by the Maine Running Company and New Balance Shoes whose Food Drive benefits Project FEED
The Choral Arts Society for contributing food and money brought to its annual Messiah Sing-a-Long
Save a Lot on St. Johns Street, Portland for collecting food for the holidays
for grant support