St. Ansgar Lutheran Church on the corner of Woodford and Brighton Ave sadly had to close its doors. BUT they have continued their amazing support of people in the community with a VERY generous donation from their trust to our treasury. Their support over the years has been immeasurable. THANK YOU ST. ANSGAR for everything.
Steve Gray, Project Feed Board, Delene Perley, Pantry Coordinator, Nancy Loranger, Chair, St. Ansgar
Albin Randall & Bennett, an accounting firm on Middle St. in Portland, collected many boxes of great donations for us and delivered them as well. I'm told that the departments had contests to see who could get more things. We are blessed with the many good items, which our clients will be very happy to accept. Dan Boggs, one of our volunteers, is pictured with the firms employees.
The ANNUAL EMPTY BOWL fundraiser for Project FEED is back at the First Lutheran Church, 132 Auburn Street, Portland. Homemade soups, breads, drinks and desserts, as well as a bowl to take home, for only $15 ($10 children 10 and under). ALL monies go to Project Feed thanks to Altrusa members and the church. The photo is from a prior year.
Androscoggin Bank has generously assisted the pantry over the past year with money, food, and hands-on work, this time by the President and CEO of the bank, Neil Kiely. Delene Perley, Operations Manager receives the check from Lacey Gammon and Diane Kelly. Karen Luse, Kay White and Roann Harlow restock the pantry with produce and non-perishable items on Monday mornings. Neil took all that plastic off of the many cans waiting in storage to help out. It will be recycled!
Cheese Louise GAVE BACK to the pantry one day in February. We appreciate their support.
(See left)
Our volunteers, led by Sue Butler, have created a cookbook for our clients using ingredients we offer in a healthy manner, especially focused on reducing salt and sugar. The initial cost was supported by a mini-grant from Good Shepherd as part of their Sodium Reduction project. Liz Wagner is our "resident" artist - view the cover on the right. At times clients have not taken food items with which they are unfamiliar. With this cookbook we hear, "Thank you! Now it will not be just the 'same old, same old.'" or "Yes, I'll try that!" (See right)
Pantry volunteer coordinator, Delene Perley, receives a generous contribution from Linda Halleran, Marketing Manager of Town and Country Federal Credit Union, as support of our mission and continuing efforts. The money has been used for a new freezer and printing additional cookb
Steve Gray, Chair of the Board, receives a check from Town Fair Tire.
Kim Block from Channel 13 interviews Edith McCormick for a piece she did about the Coordinator of the Pantry, Delene Perley, for "Those Who Make a Difference."
Pantry Manager, PF Board Member, President of Home Instead, Chair of PF Board
She was the Statewide winner! Our pantry manager, Delene Perley, won the Senior Volunteer of the Year Award from Home Instead. Thanks to Home Instead for their support and the $500 to help us feed more people.
Choral Arts Society's Manager, Michael Bachem presents a check for over $1000 to the Volunteer Pantry Manager, Delene Perley, following the Messiah Sing-A-Long. All donations, both food and monetary, are offered to the pantry as the musicians participate without compensation. Participants bring non-perishable food to support our effort and enjoy the evening.
The Maine Hunger Initiative provides grants so that WE can provide our clients with fresh produce during the summer from Jordan Farm on Cape Elizabeth.
Bangor Savings Bank generously contributed $1000 to our Good Shepherd account, to be used for food for our clients. Pictured are Delene Perley, volunteer pantry manager, Terry Thompson, Vice President of the Allen Avenue branch, and Stephan Woods, Regional Martket Manager for Portland.
Many years ago Jennifer Boggs of St. Ansgar Church started to collect books from church members for our clients to have for their children. She said it was "feeding minds" too. Now others are contributing to this popular effort. BUT we can always use MORE books. Jennifer is a mother of her own reading children now! Thanks everyone.
Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church through its Share the Plate often sends a generous check to the pantry. The church regularly contributes non-perishable food, cloth bags, and other needs to the pantry. As well a number of the church members volunteer.
STATEHOUSE VISIT -- In the past our Pantry Manager, Delene Perley, joined the Maine Hunger Initiative at the Augusta Statehouse to urge legislators to support a summer lunch program for Maine children, LD 860. Pictured here are Senator Justin Alfond of Portland, pantry managers and Maine Hunger Initiative representatives.