How to Help
One of our volunteers has a large family. Each year a different family member chooses a place to donate their contributions at the holiday season. During her year, she graciously chose for everyone's contribution to go to Project FEED. We value their thoughtfulness and thought we'd pass along the idea.
Why donate?
One of our clients has been homeless but just got an apartment. We helped give his kitchen its first contents. Another client lost all her savings because of a medical problem and no insurance. Others have just lost jobs and are looking for another but in the interim need help. Others are unexpectedly supporting relatives who are without homes and needing shelter.
Empty Shelves
Sorting DonationsWe appreciate donations of non-perishable goods such as: canned vegetables, fruits, soups, meats, tuna, spaghetti sauce, jams and peanut butter, beans, juices, salad dressings, canola oil, spices and evaporated milk; boxed items -- macaroni and cheese, instant potatoes, cereal, tea, and crackers; personal care items -- shampoos, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, diapers, tampons and sanitary pads; and household items -- dish detergent and laundry detergent.
Reusable and paper bags have been welcomed as we have transitioned from plastic.
Reusable Bags of Groceries
We accept donations during our open hours. These include fresh produce from a garden. ALL food donations MUST be unopened and dated currently.
Stocking shelves
Donate Time - Join Our Volunteers
We restock weekly on Monday mornings, pick up food throughout the week, and serve the clients in the afternoons. If you would like to volunteer, send us an email or call during open hours. We are especially in need of people to work directly with our clients in the afternoons. Training is available. We also could use people who would be willing to deliver to clients who do not have transportation; some are in wheelchairs.
Donate Money
Cash donations are always welcome. They can be sent directly to our address. Or you can use PayPal by clicking below. We are a non-profit organization.
IF your donation is "in memory of ..." - after you enter the amount and before you enter your credit card information, you will see "add special instructions to the seller." Click on that and a box appears. In the box enter the "in memory ..." information, please. Appropriate recognition can then be made. THANK you!