Project FEED
640 Brighton Ave, Unit 2
Portland, ME 04102
Current Hours of operation:
1:00-3:00 pm, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, except holidays and school storm closings
Project FEED is a non-profit organization.
Project FEED
202 Woodford Street
Portland, ME 04103
Board of Directors:
Steve Gray, Chair
Barbara Freeman, Treasurer
Karin Kurry
Lois Myers
Elaine Piccini
Elena Schmidt
Marshall Tinkle
Volunteer Pantry Operations Manager: Delene Perley
Our great overriding focus is always the alleviation of physical hunger. We aim to identify it and administer to it, within the guidelines of our organization and to the best of our abilities... We minister to the whole person when we remember that we never feed food alone, we also feed emotions and attitudes. We feed a second hunger as we try to communicate our loving care and concern for people as valuable human beings, to give the hopeless hope and a belief in their capacity to move ahead...
Project FEED Philosophy
Written by Freddie Wagnis, Founder and First Director
Board President at the Annual Picnic
thanking the many volunteers and having a good time